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The Results Are In, Customer Demands are Changing and Businesses Need to Quickly Adapt

benchmark report blog


By: Leigh Segall, CMO at Smart Communications

In 2020 businesses across the globe faced a host of challenges that that will continue to have an impact for months, if not years, to come. COVID-19 greatly disrupted life as we once knew it. Beyond the unprecedented threat to our health and safety, we faced an unexpected economic downturn, shifts to remote work, business shutdowns, and more. Additionally, the global pandemic impacted the way businesses interact with consumers, catalyzed digital transformation efforts, and forced communication-heavy industries to reassess and reprioritize their current strategies.

Since the start of the pandemic, nearly 40% of consumers in the U.S. have changed their communications preference from direct mail to digital. 

With more consumers now relying on digital-first interactions, are businesses actually prepared to deliver? To gain a better understanding of how these new set of challenges, changing expectations, and accelerated digital transformation have impacted consumer preferences and corporate priorities, we commissioned Harris Interactive to survey both consumers and business leaders within financial, insurance or private healthcare companies across the U.S. and UK. We’re excited to reveal the latest findings in our new benchmark study, Customer Conversations in 2020.

Check out the infographic below for more key findings: