Efficient Paperless Solutions: How the Right Omnichannel CCM System Can Help

Some customers prefer printed communications, while others prefer email or other digital options. Tellingly, nearly all customers want communications across a blend of channels – they want choice. By implementing the right omnichannel customer communications management system, you can support your go paperless adoption efforts while still meeting customer preferences.

Explore Omnichannel
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The Benefits of Adding Digital Channels

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Group 459 (1) Speed Time to Engagement
Reach customers faster via omnichannel communications and promote engagement, action, and process completion quicker.
Group 459 (1) Drive Down Print and Paper Costs
Rising paper, print and postage costs makes digital channels a customer-experience and an operational efficiency imperative.
Group 459 (1) Use Print to Promote Digital Adoption Awareness
Most customers want the right blend of communications via different channels. Use them both in tandem to outline options, benefits and available choices.
Group 459 (1) Reduce Your Environmental Impact
Empower interested customers to opt for digital communications to lessen their impact on the environment.
Tab 1 - Retire Legacy Solutions and make the paperless leap
Speed Time to Engagement
Tab 1 - Retire Legacy Solutions and make the paperless leap
Reach customers faster via omnichannel communications and promote engagement, action, and process completion quicker.
Drive Down Print and Paper Costs
Use Print to Promote Digital Adoption Awareness
Reduce Your Environmental Impact

Consumers of all generations, but particularly those within the younger demographics, want to research and buy through multiple channels, with emphasis on easy access to real-time information through digital channels and, most importantly, consistent and relevant experiences across all channels.”

– Prasanna Gunjikar,
Senior Vice President at HTC Global Services

More Trends
Lifestyle image to support quote content highlighting HTC's ability to meet younger generations' expectations of brands adopting digital customer communication methods.

SmartCOMM Supports Your Digital Adoption Strategy

Industry-leading technology designed to support the full breadth of print and digital communication channels

Multiple Device Icon. Single template design makes just one paper reduction strategy that smartcomm offers enterprises

Single-template design simplifies template management across multiple channels

Sustainability through paperless practices Icon

Meet guaranteed delivery regulations with automated failover from digital channels

Automation Icon. Automating incoming data helps enterprises feel more confident about making the paperless leap.

Automation capabilities drive channel output decisions from incoming data

Channel Output Icon illustrating digital transition success

Modern-architected solution makes it easy to add channel output and future proofs your enterprise

Omni Channel Icon. The path to a paperless future.

Support physical mail activities with digital channel reminders and notifications

Avoid Duplication icon to illustrate paperless productivity

Leverage the same content / resources to avoid duplication and redundancy

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Animated large cloud (8)

Resources to Help You Get Started

Explore how we empower enterprises to go paperless with confidence and embrace the adoption of digital channels

The Omnichannel Advantage:

Read how enterprises can orchestrate consistent, customer-driven experiences across channels

Read eBook >
The Total Economic Impact of Smart Communications

This report from Forrester Research provides an in-depth look at the potential cost savings and ROI of the SmartCOMM.

Access Report >
5 Trends Shaping Customer Conversations in 2023

Discover what is impacting businesses in 2023 and role pure cloud ccm systems play.

Discover the Trends >
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Let us help you realize more benefits of going paperless.